Members attending: Sam Brownlee, Chris Cannon, Henry Chavis, John Kozma, Mike Leatherwood, Thomas Legare, Gary Marion, James Owens, Catherine Poag, Steve Rapchick, Rich Thomas, and Jean Townsend. There were no guest presentations.
Call to Order; Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes February 7 , 2013 - Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report - Sam Brownlee - There were no expenses in the month of January and the balance remains $461.31.
Chairman’s Report - Chris Cannon - Chris reported there was a hearing on March 4, with the Charleston County Board of Zoning Appeals regarding 2983 Hut Road. There were no concerns.
The City of Charleston wants to remove three grand trees on Maybank Highway. Chris has seen the subject trees, they are not “healthy,” and feels there is no problem with removing them.
Wadmalaw Island - Gary Marino - Gary reported concerns about property located at Bears Bluff Road near Hart’s Bluff, Road. Someone has purchased three acres and plans to place up to six mobile homes there for rental after property is approved and subdivided. The County will be approving this and has disregarded previous buffers and set backs. Charlie Hart is the developer.
Scholarship Fund -Sam Brownlee - Sam reported the Scholarship Fund is doing well. As of January 31 the balance was $350,201.05. A discussion followed about establishing a separate fund for this. Rich Thomas and Catherine Poag are working on this and will get more information. Mike Leatherwood reported he had talked with Trident Technical College and they are willing to send someone to talk with the Council. Rich Thomas made a motion that Council request John Kozma to look into any legal issues and report to Council at the April 2013 meeting the history, background, status, and suggestions for going forward with the education fund, and that any expenses incurred by John will be reimbursed through the Johns Island Council fund. The motion was seconded by Thomas Legare and passed unanimously.
Transportation/Rich Thomas/Catherine Poag - Highway 17 - Main Road - Super intersection
Concerns were expressed about the proposed improvements. Thomas Legare said he had visited a similar highway in North Carolina and was not at all impressed with how the traffic flowed. He said the present intersection would be better staying the same. A motion was made that the Johns Island Council send a letter to the State Highway Department, requesting that the speed limit on U.S. Highway 17 be posted at 45 miles per hour between the Railroad viaduct north of Main Road and the Rantowles Creek Bridge. The motion was duly seconded and approved.
New Business
Rich Thomas suggested that the Council invite County Councilwoman, Anna Johnson, to a meeting to address the various issues going on. He made a motion that the Johns Island Council invite Councilwoman Johnson to a meeting to present an update on various projects affecting Johns Island. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Rich will prepare a letter to Mrs. Johnson.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Townsend, Secretary