Charleston County Zoning Chapter 4 Summary

Charleston County Zoning Classifications

Charleston County Zoning Classifications

Summary of Density / Dimensional Requirements from Chapter 4

(dwelling units per acre)
(sq ft unless otherwise specified)
OCRM Critical Line
Front/Street Side Interior Side Rear
RM Resource Management 1 / 25 2 1 acre 135 50 15 30 50 30% of lot 35
AG-15 Agricultural Preservation 1 / 15 3 acres 135 50 15 30 50 30% of lot 35
AG-10 Agricultural Preservation 3 1 / 10 1 acre 135 50 15 30 50 30% of lot 35
AG-8 Agricultural Preservation 3 1 / 8 1 acre 135 50 15 30 50 30% of lot 35
AGR Agricultural/ Residential 3 1 / 1 30,000 100 50 15 30 50 30% of lot 35
RR-3 Rural Residential 3 1 / 3 30,000 100 50 15 30 50 30% of lot 35
S-3 Special Management 3 3 3 / 1 14,500 12,500 12,500 4 80 70 70 4 25 15 25 35 30% of lot 35
R-4 Single Family Residential 4 3 4 / 1 14,500 10,000 7,250 4 60 25 5 15 35 30% of lot 35
M-8 Mixed Style Residential 8 8 / 1
12 15 0/5 5 10 35 50% of lot 4 stories/50
M-12 Mixed Style Residential 12 12 / 1
12 15 0/5 5 10 35 50% of lot 4 stories/50
MHS Low-Density Manufactured
Housing Subdivision
6 / 1 5,000 50 25 5 15 35 30% of lot 35
MHP Manufactured Housing
Park 67
1 acre
25 5 10 35 35% of lot 35
OR Residential Office 678
6,000 50 25 5 5 50 35% of lot 35
OG General Office 67
2,000 50 25 5 5 50 40% of lot 35
CN Neighborhood Commercial 67
4,000 15 25 10 10 50 25% of lot 35
CT Commercial Transition 678
not designated 100 / 200 9

3000 / 5000 gross sq ft 10 35
CR Rural Commercial 7
40,000 125 25 15 25 50 40% of lot 35
CC Community Commercial 1112
4,000 15 None None None 50 35% of lot No Maximum
I Industrial 67
15,000 70 50 None None 50 No Maximum No Maximum
PD Planned Development: no rights of development apply to a PD zoning designation other than those of the approved plan


1.   Front/Street Side Setback reductions of 15 feet may be approved by the Planning Director when deemed compatible with existing development patterns or setbacks shown on approved plats.

2.   On tracts of 100 or more acres, where lots ranging from one to three acres are created, a bonus of one dwelling shall be allowed on the residual area of the parent tract.

3.   Property within the (AG-10?) AG-8 or any AGR, RR-3, S-3, or R-4 zoning district may be approved for subdivision and development of affordable housing as certified by Charleston County. (See Section 6.4.19) The following density/intensity and dimensional standards apply to qualified affordable housing:

Zoning District Maximum Density Minimum Lot Area Other Dimensional Standards Uses
AG-10 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres 1 acre same as AG-10 Single family detached units only
AG-8 3 dwelling units per acre 8,000 sq ft same as R-4 Single family detached units only
AGR and RR-3 3 dwelling units per acre 8,000 sq ft same as R-4 Single family detached units only
S-3 4 dwelling units per acre 8,000 sq ft same as R-4 Single family detached units only
R-4 6 dwelling units per acre 4,000 sq ft same as R-4 Single family attached housing units and duplexes allowed

4.   When three figures are listed for Minimum Lot Area or Width, the first is for lots with neither public water nor sewer, the second figure is for lots with water or sewer but not both, and the third for lots with both water and sewer.

5.   Zero lot line homes may be built with no setback on one side of the property, but must have at least 10 feet of separation between buildings.

6.   Single family detached dwelling units in the MHP, OR, OG, CT, CN, and I zoning districts in the Urban/Suburban Area shall comply with the density/intensity and dimensional standards of the R-4 zoning district. (See Section 6.4.25)

7.   A maximum of one single family detached dwelling unit shall be allowed per Lot of Record in the MHP, OR, OG, CT, CN, CC, CR, and I zoning districts in the Rural Area. Unit must meet all dimensional standards of the non-residential zoning district in which it is located.(See Section 6.4.25)

8.   Residential uses in the OR and CT districts shall be subject to the density/intensity and dimensional standards of the R-4 district.

9.   Without shared access 200 feet; with shared access 100 feet.

10.  1-199 feet road frontage 3,000 gross sq. ft.; 200+ feet road frontage 5,000 gross sq. ft.

11.  Residential uses in the CC district shall be subject to the density/intensity and dimensional standards of the M-12 district.

12.  Single family detached dwelling units in the CC zoning district in the Urban/Suburban Area shall comply with the density/intensity and dimensional standards of the M-12 zoning district.(See Section 6.4.25)