John’s Island Council
Post Office Box 208
John’s Island, SC 29457
Minutes of January 2, 2014 Meeting
Members attending: Rich Jenkins, Thomas Legare, Rich Thomas, Jean Townsend, Steve Rapchick, James Owens, Sam Brownlee, Catherine Poag
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes of December 5, 2013: Jean Townsend moved to approve the minutes. Steve Rapchick seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Guest Speaker: Vice Chairman Rich Jenkins, as chair of this meeting, introduced Anthony Snelwar, who lives at 1818 Clark Hill Circle in Churchill Landing, and who spoke about his concerns with a new development planned for a 27 acre property near his. The original developer had planned for homes on larger lots, which is compatible with what has already been built there in an earlier phase. Another developer has purchased the property and Mr. Snelwar has heard that the lot sizes will be much smaller. He has also heard that there is a plan to extend a road through the circle where he lives. He is concerned about the impact this will have on his and neighboring properties. JI Council members suggested he get the plans as filed with the City and bring them to another meeting. Names of appropriate City offices for him to call as well as other suggestions were provided. It was pointed out that the JI Council is an advisory group and has no “official or governmental” standing. Mr. Snelwar said he would get more information and come back to update us.
Chairman’s Report: Since Chairman Chris Cannon was not present, there was no report.
Treasurer’s Report: Sam Brownlee reported that December balance was $380.31 and the Scholarship account balance is $359,851.57. Jean Townsend moved to accept the report and Rich Thomas seconded. Motion approved.
Old Business: Jean Townsend asked about the stormwater fee issue. John Kozma has drafted a letter that was emailed to JI Council members to review. Chris had asked him to bring it to the next meeting so he could look at it and then it will be sent.
New Business: Steve Rapchick mentioned that Seacoast- a non-denominational church—is planning to rent a space on Johns Island and start holding services here. The church has over 12,000 members in the Charleston area. Steve is a member of Seacoast and said it should have a positive impact for his area.
Blackbird Market wants to sell beer and wine and is applying for a license. No one expressed any objections to that.
There being no further business and upon a motion made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Poag, Secretary