August 2, 2012 Minutes

Johns Island Council
P.O. Box 208, Johns Island, SC 29457

Minutes of August 2, 2012

Members attending: Sam Brownlee, Chris Cannon, Henry Chavis, Rich Jenkins, John Kozma, Gary Marino, James Owens,
Catherine Poag , Steve Rapchick, and Jean Townsend.

Call to Order; Pledge of Allegiance

Minutes of June 7, 2012
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the July 5, 2012, minutes were approved.

Chairman’s Report - Chris Cannon

Land Use - Nothing new at this time.

PGA Tournament - The tournament will begin next week. For any questions or to report problems (traffic, etc.) the contact person with the Sheriff’s Department is Captain Woods - 693-3841. A brief discussion followed. Vice Chairman, Rich Jenkins, inquired as to what caused the State to fix the corner of Maybank and River Roads. Sam Brownlee said that Thomas Legare’s efforts played a large role. Steve Rapchick encouraged everyone to look up on the Internet the following: "Agenda 21" and "Iclee." He stated the City of Charleston has already "signed on" to this. Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment. See:

Treasurer’s Report - Sam Brownlee - There were no expenditures for the month of July - the balance remains $515.31.

CHATS - Sam Brownlee - Sam was unable to attend the most recent meeting, but learned CHATS voted in favor of completion of I-526.

By Laws - Copies of the By-Laws were e-mailed to members of Council on June 8, 2012. A discussion followed which led to the following suggested changes (underlined):

Article I. NAME
1.1 The name of the organization shall be the Johns Island Council. The Johns Island Council is registered as a non-profit organization in the State of South Carolina.
Replace the word "Commission" with the word "Council."
8.5 Line 3, change from "shall be replaced" to "may be replaced."
ADD: 8.7 All regular meetings are open to the public.
9.1 Delete the word active
9.2 Delete the word present.

Scholarship Fund - Sam Brownlee - The fund is still doing well - with a current balance of $341,000.00. He said there was an item - $5,165.00 - cash being held back. He will inquire about the purpose of this.

New Business - Chris will be out of town for the September 6 meeting and will coordinate agenda items with Vice Chairman Rich Jenkins.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Jean Townsend, Secretary