John’s Island Council
Post Office Box 208
John’s Island, SC 29457
Minutes of the December 4, 2014 Meeting
Members attending: Sam Brownlee, Chris Cannon, Rich Jenkins, John Kozma, Steve Rapchick, James Owens, Henry Chavis, Rich Thomas, Monica Smith, Catherine Poag
Guests who were speaking to JIC were Greg Hollingworth and Colin Cuskley.
Upon a motion duly made & seconded, the minutes of the November 6, 2014, Meeting were approved.
Vice Chair Rich Jenkins conducted the meeting until Chair Chris Cannon arrived.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Sam Brownlee reported that the bank balance was $842.06. Rich Thomas moved to approve the report and James Owens seconded. The report was approved.
Scholars’ Fund:
Treasurer Sam Brownlee reported that the balance was $377,185.31. In answer to a question, Rich Thomas explained to Colin and Greg the background of the fund and the plans for it once the 501c3 is approved .
Old Business:
Burden Creek Bridge Replacement project by SCDOT. Brent Rewis will manage both the Burden Creek project and the Hoopstick Creek project. Sam pointed out that the John’s Island Fire Department has never been advised of the Burden’s Creek project and will have to look into how it will affect response time, etc.
Chris mentioned 2 items-- City of Charleston has received a request to remove 3 grand trees on Brownswood Road. These are water oaks and Chris feels it is OK. There is a request at County to remove 2 trees on River Road. The trees were already removed by County without prior request to do so.
Wadmalaw Report:
Monica Smith reported that new officers for Wadmalaw were elected at their last meeting.
New Business:
Colin Cuskley said that the Magnolia Garden Club had cleaned the area around Butcher’s Oak tree at River and Main and the old sign needs to be replaced. He suggested a new sign with the names of JI Council and Magnolia Garden Club and showed example. Rich Thomas moved to agree to that, Steve Rapchick seconded and the motion was approved.
Colin also mentioned that a property owner on Brownswood Road, Chuck Minsey, had been at the County Council Meeting on November 18 and asked to have his property brought into the Urban Growth Boundary since he could not get water and sewer. This was not part of what the Planning Commission had included in its update but some members of Council seemed to favor it. It would actually be drawn then to include an additional area so then 500 acres woild be added inside the Urban Growth Boundary. Sam and Rich pointed out that water was available from John’s Island Water Company and many properties on John’s Island have septic so the reason is invalid. Colin had checked with City of Charleston and they were not in favor of this. County Council will meet this Tuesday and it will be considered. There will be a first reading of the Comprehensive Plan update and Council can add their own changes. Chris Cannon made a motion to oppose any change to the current boundary along Brownswood Road. Rich Thomas seconded. The motion was approved with Steve Rapchick abstaining. Colin encouraged everyone to come to the meeting. Rich Thomas pointed out that the County Planning Department had done a very good job of working on the review and update. John Kozma pointed that there would be other people involved if Mr. Minsey’s personal request was approved and it had never been discussed at any public forums during the review.
Chris told James Owens that the JI Council wanted to make a donation in memory of his James’wife and James suggested the St. Stephens Mission Fund. A $25 donation was approved.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:05PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Poag, Secretary Extraordinaire