John’s Island Council
Post Office Box 208
John’s Island, South Carolina 29457
Minutes of the November 6, 2014 Meeting
Members attending: Sam Brownlee, Chris Cannon, John Kozma, Thomas Legare, Gary Marino, Catherine Poag, Rich Thomas, Jean Townsend, Monica Smith
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the October 2, 2014 Meeting were approved.
Chairman’s Report: Chairman Chris Cannon reported that the Charleston County Council will hold a Public Hearing at 6:30PM on Tuesday, November 18th in Council Chambers to review the 5 Year Plan and the proposed changes/updates to the Plan. On November 19th, the City of Charleston Planning /Zoning will review the proposed zoning change for 3130 Maybank Road. It appears that request is consistent with being taken into the City. Rich Thomas mentioned that there is a property on Betsy Kerrison which has a listing that says the property may be able to get commercial zoning. No one is sure what might possibly be going on with that property.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Sam Brownlee reported that the bank balance as of October 31, 2014, was $842.06, the same as for September 30, 2014. The Scholar’s Fund is at $371,901 as of September 30, 2014. The recent drop in the stock market affected that balance but it has still increased overall.
CHATS: Sam Brownlee reported that there had been a CHATS meeting but there was nothing relating to John’s Island.
Wadmalaw Island:Monica Smith reported the next meeting for the Wadmalaw Council will be Tuesday.
Old Business: Rich Thomas has sent around a draft of the By Laws for the Scholars Fund. He asked to be authorized to apply for the 501c3 for the Johns Island Scholars Fund. Thomas Legare so moved and Sam seconded. The motion was approved. The recent election was briefly discussed. Catherine Poag thanked everyone who had run for office and there followed some discussion of the election and the results.
New Business: Rich Thomas reported about the recent controversy regarding the Town of Kiawah Island(TOKI) and the plan to buy the Rosebank Farm site property. The purchase price was $2mm and a new Town Hall will be built on the property. Much of the purchase process was done in secrecy and there was considerable discussion and disapproval expressed by TOKI residents and others at the TOKI meetings recently. There is also a question of the legality. TOKI will annex the property and Kiawah River Plantation and Kiawah River Estates have both asked to be annexed. Concern was expressed by Johns Island Council members that Kiawah is now moving onto John’s Island and the motives and “big plan” are certainly suspect. TOKI says they want to “secure their borders” and some members of TOKI have referred to John’s Island as “Third World.” The County will receive less money from areas that Kiawah annexes. John Kozma brought up the issue of Heirs Property rights and land on John’s Island. That would be a good topic to have presentations made for local residents. Thomas Legare expressed the need to start addressing these issues now before it is too late. He also brought up the proposed rebuilding of the bridge at Burden Creek which SCDOT is planning. He suggested having a presentation at a John’s Island Council meeting by DOT for all local residents. Chris introduced Tim Squires who was attending the meeting tonight.
Chris said he will find out where the John’s Island Council can make a donation in memory of James Owens’ wife, who passed away last month.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Poag, Secretary Extraordinaire