John’s Island Council
Post Office Box 208
John’s Island, SC 29455
Minutes of the May 7, 2015 Meeting
Members attending: Rich Thomas, Sam Brownlee, Jean Townsend, Carmen Rivers, Chris Cannon, John Kozma, Gary Marino, Thomas Legare, Steve Rapchick, James Owens, Henry Chavis, Catherine Poag
Upon a motion made and duly seconded, the minutes of the April 2, 2015 meeting were approved.
Chairman Chris Cannon introduced Mr. Harvin, who lives at 2965 River Road. Mr. Harvin wanted to provide some background information about property that his family owns at 3025, 3027& 3029 River Road. There are 3 concrete block buildings that were originally built on the property to house migrant workers-up to 74 could live there. The family would like to convert these buildings to 15 apartments—some 1 bedroom and some 2 bedroom. Each building now has 8 units with one bedroom, one bath and a kitchen. It seems that they will need to apply for a PUD or multi-family zoning. It is unclear what the current zoning is. Mr. Harvin is a contractor and originally built the buildings and will manage the project to convert to apartments. He feels that the units can rent for $600 and up. The same entry drive can be used and there would be adequate parking for that many apartments. Until there are more formal plans and more details, the JICouncil will wait to decide whether or not we have any concerns about this. Mr. Harvin will be available if there are any questions down the road.
Chairman’s Report:
Chair Chris Cannon reported on 2 zoning items:
1) 1388 River Road—There is a rezoning request for 28.6 acres to go from conservation to RR1 and 19 acres single family to be rezoned the same in the city. Chris has some concerns about the zoning to RR1 but it was approved by the Planning Commission.
2) 7065 Main Road—This is near the Tomato Shed and Robert Blake just wants to have a small section rezoned so it matches up with what is there. There don’t seem to be any issues with this.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Sam Brownlee reported that there were no expenses for April so the balance is $717.06. He also reported that the Scholarship Fund balance is $383,016.65.
Wadmalaw Island Report:
Monica Smith was not at the meeting but Gary Marino did provide an update. Berkeley Electric will be running power lines behind Anchorage in order to cross Church Creek. It will eventually connect to Kiawah. Currently there are no lines across Bohicket.
John’s Island Scholars Foundation:
Foundation Chair Rich Thomas said that the board was working on by laws and other start up details. The 501c3 is still pending at the federal level but should be approved. Jean raised the question about whether the funding should only go to scholarships and that will be reviewed by the Foundation board. The Foundation is separately incorporated from JI Council.
Old Business:
Chris said that he went and looked at the Dollar General property but did not go back into the woods to see where the marshy land is. A letter will be sent to the 2 contractors as per the motion in the last meeting. There is not really any concrete information now and no zoning applications have been made. We will continue to monitor this. Some Council members did voice concern about the potential sale of alcohol that might occur at this store—especially in the evenings.
New Business:
Last year the JIC had a $25 membership in the Soil and Water District. Thomas made a motion to renew that and Jean seconded. All approved except Steve who voted Nay.
Sam said he had sent a letter to Senator Campson about planning a CHATS meeting on John’s Island.
Election of Members and Officers:
Jean Townsend, Mike Leatherwood, Rich Thomas, Carmen Rivers, Henry Rivers, Rich Jenkins and Tim Squires were elected to 3 year terms—Motion by Thomas Legare and second by Jean Townsend. The officers elected were Chair-Chris Cannon, Vice Chair-Rich Jenkins, Treasurer-Sam Brownlee, Secretary- Catherine Poag—Motion made by Thomas Legare and second by Jean Townsend.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Poag, Secretary